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Christmas Messages

Christmas Messages

Jingle bells and play the music loud, for Santa Claus is coming into CHEP! Merry Christmas

Cris Storey (CHEP UK)


Christmas gift suggestions: To our enemies, forgiveness.  To our friends, our hearts. To ourselves, respect. To our customers, customer service excellence.  Merry Christmas to all at CHEP!

Sandra Leitão (CHEP UK)


Chep blues and Christmas carols, sing along now, all together. Enjoy the season!

Patrícia Gomes (CHEP UK)


Wrap your presents Chep blue and make all your wishes come true! J

Marcos Monteiro (CHEP UK)


Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock 
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring 
Collecting and delivering pallets of blue 
All of us together we’ll make it through!

Jeffrey Pinheiro (CHEP UK)

CHEP = Christmas Happiness Effects People

David Ferreira (Team Supervisor)


Счастливого Рождества коллегам из CHEP! Merry Christmas to colleagues from CHEP!

Oleg Rumiantsev (Team Supervisor)


Christmas dreams of blue do come true J

Lilian Lamo (CHEP NO)


I’m dreaming of a blue Christmas…

Mads Off (CHEP DK)


The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature.

Merry Christmas CHEP for making your tree shine every day!

Sandra Leitão (CHEP UK)


A Great Christmas for All and many, many good things to the world!

Alexandre Mata (CHEP FR)


May Santa be kind to you all.  I wish you a Merry X-Mas and a white X-mas full of snow!

Jerôme Petit (CHEP FR)

De trés trés bonnes fêtes à Tous!

Antonieta Veloso (CHEP FR)


Joyeux Nöel a Tous. Et plein de bonne choses pour tout le monde.

Stephane Lopes (CHEP FR)

Total de visitas: 1236